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This kit includes

Lyrics and gestures – colour version

A sheet illustrating the lyrics and gestures for the 11 Pat the centipede nursery rhymes (in French only)


Lyrics and gestures – black-and-white version

A sheet illustrating the lyrics and gestures for the 11 Pat the centipede nursery rhymes (in French only)


Pat chante la pomme – sung version

Pat chante la pomme – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about apples (in French only)

Pat chante la pomme – instrumental version

Pat chante la pomme – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about apples

Pat chante le lait – sung version

Pat chante le lait – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about milk (in French only)

Pat chante le lait – instrumental version

Pat chante le lait – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about milk

Pat chante le pain – sung version

Pat chante le pain – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about bread (in French only)


Pat chante le pain – instrumental version

Pat chante le pain – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about bread

Pat chante le poisson – sung version

Pat chante le poisson – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about fish (in French only)

Pat chante le poisson – instrumental version

Pat chante le poisson – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about fish

Pat chante les courges – sung version

Pat chante les courges – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about squash (in French only)

Pat chante les courges – instrumental version

Pat chante les courges – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about squash

Pat chante les œufs – sung version

Pat chante les œufs – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about eggs (in French only)

Pat chante les œufs – instrumental version

Pat chante les œufs – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about eggs

Pat chante le fromage – sung version

Pat chante le fromage – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about cheese (in French only)

Pat chante le fromage – instrumental version

Pat chante le fromage – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about cheese

Pat chante le yogourt – sung version

Pat chante le yogourt – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about yogurt (in French only)

Pat chante le yogourt – instrumental version

Pat chante le yogourt – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about yogurt

Pat chante les pâtes alimentaires – sung version

Pat chante les pâtes alimentaires – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about pasta (in French only)

Pat chante les pâtes alimentaires – instrumental version

Pat chante les pâtes alimentaires – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about pasta

Pat chante les agrumes – sung version

Pat chante les agrumes – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about citrus fruit (in French only)

Pat chante les agrumes

Pat chante les agrumes – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about citrus fruit

Pat chante ses trouvailles – sung version

Pat chante ses trouvailles – sung version

Video of a nursery rhyme about food (in French only)

Pat chante ses trouvailles – instrumental version

Pat chante ses trouvailles – instrumental version

Video of a nursery rhyme about food

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