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9 Illustrated Cooking Activities
Educational cooking activities with photos illustrating each step (in French[...]
7 Simple Cooking Activities
Cooking activities : No-cook and designed for school settings (in French[...]
The Cuisinons en Famille Initiative
A website, recipes and practical tools to discover the fun of cooking together[...]
A Recipe for Successful Cooking Workshops
A free practical guide for planning, conducting, facilitating and evaluating[...]
3 Activities on Where Foods Come From
Active game, matching game and cooking activity[...]
Illustrated Cooking Techniques
Cooking techniques presented in the form of pictograms and animations.
5 Activities on Snacks
A variety of resources to address the topic of snacks in a fun way (in[...]
5 Activities on Breakfast
A variety of resources to address the topic of breakfast in a fun way :
5 Activities on Green Lunches
A variety of resources to help students make their lunch themselves:
5 Activities on Body Image
A variety of activities to address body image and body diversity[...]