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This kit includes

Cooking Technique Guide

20 Illustrated Techniques


Cracking an Egg

Cracking an Egg

A short animation of a technique to achieve this in a clean and efficient way

Cutting with a Knife – Technique B

Cutting with a Knife – Technique B

A short animation on how to hold food by placing your hand in the shape of a C

Cutting with a Knife – Technique A

Cutting with a Knife – Technique A

A short animation on how to form a bridge with the hand holding the food

Peeling a Long Vegetable with a Peeler

Peeling a Long Vegetable with a Peeler

A short animation of a technique to peel a carrot or a cucumber safely

Washing Foods

Washing Foods

A short animation of a technique to properly wash fruits and vegetables before cooking them

Mixing with a Wooden Spoon

Mixing with a Wooden Spoon

A short animation of a technique for mixing ingredients in a large bowl

Mixing with a Metal Spoon

Mixing with a Metal Spoon

A short animation of a technique for mixing ingredients in a small bowl

Measuring Wet Ingredients with a Measuring Cup

Measuring Wet Ingredients with a Measuring Cup

A short animation of a technique to fill a measuring cup efficiently

Measuring Dry Ingredients with a Measuring Spoon

Measuring Dry Ingredients with a Measuring Spoon

A short animation of a technique to fill a measuring spoon efficiently

Measuring Dry Ingredients with a Measuring Cup

Measuring Dry Ingredients with a Measuring Cup

A short animation of a technique to fill a measuring cup efficiently



A short animation of a technique to use a grater safely

Spreading a Topping

Spreading a Topping

A short animation of a technique to spread a topping with a butter knife

Filling and Rolling a Tortilla

Filling and Rolling a Tortilla

A short animation of a technique for rolling a filled tortilla without dropping the filling

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