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An ultimate Frisbee game where students name a quality or talent in their classmates.
Download the rules and the activity setup below!
Cycle 3 (elementary)
Elementary PEH
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Active Game: Ultimate You
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Required resources
One Frisbee-type rubber disk
One bib per student (one colour per team)
How to play
Introduce the activity to the students.
Encourage them to warm up by tossing the disk to one another.
Always have them pass close to the ground to avoid injuries.
During the warm-up, give examples of qualities and talents. If possible, show the carousel pictures (talent examples).
Divide the group into two teams. Assign each team a bib colour.
Give the signal to start the game.
Students on the same team must pass the disk to one another and reach the end zone. Members of the opposing team must attempt to intercept passes.
A team must make at least three passes before attempting a goal.
To score a goal, a student must be in their end zone and catch the disk. If the student fails to catch the disk, the disk is given to the opposing team and the game resumes.
When a team scores, the game stops. The student that scored must name a quality or talent in the person who passed them the disk. If the student succeeds, the team gets an extra point.
The game stops when the time allotted for the activity is over.
The score determines the winning team.
Additional challenge
Add rules to increase the level of difficulty, such as:
Five passes must be made before attempting a goal
At least one girl and one boy must catch the disk before attempting a goal
Activity notes
Here are examples of qualities that the students could name:
Team player
Here are examples of talents that the students could name: